Thursday, July 4, 2013

Short In The Kitchen Again

...and improvising.

So I wont be going to the store for more food for another 7 days, in the mean time I have a box of funfetti cake mix, which calls for 1/3 cup of oil, 3 whole eggs, or 4 egg whites, and water(which if u just use what comes out of the faucet, is still plentiful). Well you don't want to know how little else I had in my kitchen.. See I went to costco and bought a big thing of olive oil, and one of those amazing bottles of vanilla. I swear they have the best vanilla. Anyways So for the rest of the month I was a bit short on other ingredients to cook decent meals for the rest of the month. well that was last month in May. In June I over stocked on the ingredients for cookies. Well I bought 2 bags of flour a large bag of sugar, 2 medium sized bags of brown sugar, and 3 bags of chocolate chips (2 cups sizes) and it had to be giradelli. It was amazing and yet so shameful I made at least 6 or 8 dozen cookies this month... and I only gave away 2 dozen... (I gained 10 pounds (SO VERY SHAMEFUL)) but they were the best cookies ever! and only one dozen came out a bit toasted, but none came out burnt.  But I didn't buy enough eggs, or butter, and although we went through 5 gallons of milk, the milk only lasted a little less than 2 weeks. So yeah 7 days left to the when I buy more food...
Anyways, So I figured I will bake this cake to satisfy our sweet tooth, (myself and the people who live with me) BUT...
as the title suggests, I was short on ingredients, So hopefully it all tastes good in the end. I am currently waiting patiently on the results of the cake I'll let you know when it pops out of the oven. So compared to what is stated above ^, I had just a little less than 1/4 cup of canola oil (I didn't want it to taste like olives) 2 large eggs, and yeah water. So hopefully my oil to eggs ratio didn't ruin the cake. Did I mention I only used ONE round cake pan, when I should have used 2? cuz that's totally what I did, and my cake is expected to look like a beautiful cupcake, but I am worried it might be raw in the middle...
Another dillema, I have no frosting, and when there's no milk, you must at least have frosting, otherwise you will get too much heart burn from eating just the cake... well I had about a third of a cup of powdered sugar, one stick of butter (that I must have over looked, cuz yesterday I had chocolate chips still... but today I dont...) and food coloring I always have food coloring. and vanilla thanks to costco.
So Here I Am. In the kitchen Making up a recipe as I am going on.
So for those of you who want to make frosting but are missing ingredients, here is one of those odd recipes...

1/2 cup of butter or shortening or a ratio of both. If you're like me your butter isn't room temperature, answer: microwave 30 secs, no more no less.
1/2 tsp of vanilla, I like to use the whole tsp.
4 Tblsp of warm water, add the water last, for if you melted your butter you might not need as much water as you think
now the recipe I was looking at called for a 16 oz bag of powdered sugar..(2cups) which I had only a third of a cup So here comes the improvise
1/3 cup of powdered sugar.
1 and 1/2 cup of gluttonous rice flour (its gluten free) this has the texture of corn starch, so corn starch might work as well. The finished product looks lumpy but i promise its good.
add like 3-4 drops of food coloring and mix until content.
So what has happened with the cake is... at 25-30 minutes in I did a toothpic test. it was raw in the middle, but the top of it was starting to toast, so I moved it to the lower rack. for 5 minutes. after the 5,  I did another toothpic test, it's a miracle its done.
(A tooth pic test is when u poke the cake in the middle with a toothpick til you cant dip it any further then you pull it out, and if your toothpick has nothing stuck to it your cake is done)
...waiting for it to cool off now; ganna add the frosting and...
And the cake is good! No noticeable bads. its a bit cakey on the mouth but hey that's why they call it cake! I added pink food coloring to the cake, funfetti just isnt colorful enough for me. As for the frosting: it tastes great. So yay! a successful improvising morning with cake!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I really wrote this a few days ago.

Buenas Noches!

Pues hoy, voy a escribir mi blog en español. Porque estoy tomando una clase de español este semestre. Me van a tener que perdonar si no pueden leer en español. Así que este es el primero, pero primeralmente escribí este diario en otra parte, pero no estaba contenta con el así que lo voy a escribir otra vez pero mejor.

Me llamo Karla, si no lo subieron antes, este es mi blog. El lugar de mi original es Guadalajara, Jalisco (es en México) y soy Mexicana-Americana. Las actividades que me gustan hacer son: escribir en este blog, juntar me con mis amigas, jugar cartas en la cafetería del colegio, y cocinar para mi niño. Si, tengo un hijo se llama Giovonni. El es de la edad de nueve anos. Vivimos con mi prometido, su nombre es John. El es guapo y responsable.

Yo soy estudiante de las Artes Gráficas, pero para hadar mas detalla y ser mas especifica soy Estudiante de de Múltiplos Medios de  periodismo. Algún día voy a ser la mujer con la mas experiencia, la administradora de el departamento de artes gráficas de un lugar que usa cosas así.

Otras actividades que me gusta acer : ander en mi bicicleta, patinar con mis láminas del rodillo. También ahí otros deportes que me gustan, pero no son de mi día diario. Pues allí lo tienes. Un tantito de mi en español.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

You've known all along to remember the movies you've seen...

Apparently I am more insightful than I thought.
A friend asked me last night  "How do you know so much about how men act, Karla?" my immediate response was "movies, I watch a lot of movies." I delivered this message in a slow calm voice. But now that I have time to think about it, it's because of how I choose my friends. Not the answer to the question asked, but the question that is really being asked: "How do you know so much about people, Karla?"
I don't know about you. As for me I am always watching a movie. The movie of life. -- I sit down, make myself comfortable and I sit quietly watching, intently, upon the characters that I am about to get to know intimately, as If, I have known them my whole life, and say nothing. For the duration of two hours , I get to watch the story of their life unveil before me.
Isn't that what everyone dose when they sit to watch a movie? sometimes there's popcorn, sometimes an intermission (God I hate intermissions!) and sometimes someone pushes the pause button, your snapped back to reality and you wait. How rude; you think to yourself, and you reflect on that movie you were watching, you start to relate it to your own life, then you begin to predict the ending of the movie. The rude person comes back, sits down, and the show continues...
There is a song by Kate Muccuci called "Only Begun" one of the lines in that song relates to this story she says " you've known all along, To remember the movies you've seen, With the bar and the smokes and the good and bad folks, Yeah, the lessons they teach you are free, It's an opinion, so hey, Take the opinion and run, You've only begun" Remember the movies you've seen... the lessons they teach you are free. I'm not ganna lie, I spent a great deal of my childhood in front of the tv. My favorite shows were cartoons that had a storyline, a heroic journey and hard learned lessons along the way. Unfortunately there are also the cartoons that have no lesson to be learned and are made purely for entertainment value, those are great in their own way too, but they give cartoons a bad name. This is why it's important to be aware of what your kids watch on tv. You need to make sure they are watching the good tv shows and not the ones that rot your brain. I could give u a list of bad tv, but I'm not going to trail that far off the subject. My point is, people in general watch a lot of tv, and if you are only taking in the tv at face value than you are waiting your time. Sure in real life there are no happy endings, but in real life people do have a chance at happiness, So why not learn a thing or two from tv?
So when I'm the new girl in a classroom or an office building, I'm polite, quiet (comes off as shy) and I intently do whatever it is I am supposed to be doing, but I also pay attention to a few key things:
What people are wearing, (this is usually the fastest way for you to know if this is the kind of person you would hang out with, sorry non judgmental people but its true. judging a book by its cover is the fastest way to find friends) and on that note, I hope that you are appropriately dresses and groomed as well, because you don't want to scare off your target friend by making the wrong impression.
What the people are talking about and how they deliver what they are saying... this is like listening to a comedian you can tell how good he is by how quickly everyone gets the joke. Pay attention to how people talk, you can easily figure out so many things about a person by the tone of their voice.  For example: A person of the opposite sex is talking to you, you cannot tell if they like you, or if they just want to be friends, or if they just want to get into your pants, (which I promise, is not the same thing as liking you) They say something like I think about  -- a) you sometimes, b) asking you out sometimes c) how bright your eyes are. they say a- they are your friend, probably a good one. b- they like you, most likely a lot. c--- they just want to get into your pants. yes I learned this from watching people and watching tv.
Finally you want to pay attention to how much they talk about themselves, or other people. This will let you know how good of a person they are, if they are selfish or if they are generous or if they are meanies etc etc.
and if you ever get the chance to see how they live... don't get me started....
This is how I meet people, because for a while they don't realize I'm there, but once I know who they are, I know how to behave myself around them. I know how much of my personal life I can share with them, I know how much I can trust them, and up to a certain point I can figure out if I want to hang out with that person outside of school/ office settings.
P.S. I will get back to  you guys with lists of must see tv to learn different lessons of life. For now I leave you with that thought, Tv, don't take it for granted. Those script writers didn't come up with that stuff out of thin air, unless its a really dumb tv show...
anyways,,, have fun :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Scrounging and Expiramenting in the kitchen

Okay so I know it has been a while, I'll catch up on that later...

I am desperate for cookies. 
My big issue, and I mean BIG, is that I have no sugar! I have, or should say had, about a quarter cup of RAW sugar and the only other sweeteners I had was strawberry nestles quick, some french vanilla coffee mate, and that's it... So I was thinking, and thinking and I remembered hey I have some pie crust mix in the cabinet I bet I can make cookies out of that. surely enough I find a video to rachel-rays kitchen showing how to make pie crust cookies, my problem still I have no sugar... what to do... well to sweeten my pie crust, I added some leftover pancake mix, a dab of cream of tartar for flavor, and some food coloring. Food coloring makes everything better I promise.

But still the dilemma of what will I do for frosting. Well I have so many other ingredients in my kitchen surely I can come up with a solution to my problem. So this is what I have so far, and it doesn't look good yet. but I am about to add some cream cheese and I hope it fixes itself...
 Okay so I grabbed that raw sugar, and I added some french vanilla coffee creamer, and some water, and microwaved it for 30 secs... interesting results the sugar was hot not quite dissolved as I had hoped, so I added one stick of butter.... then i microwaved that solution for 30 secs to soften the butter, (now butter by itself becomes softer when u microwave it for 30 secs.) however when u already have hot sugar... so after I got it out of the microwave I mixed it till the butter fully melted, I realized this wasn't good, so Immediately I added some corn starch, that didn't help, I added some rice flour, i figure well if rice flour can make mochi why not right,, nope bad idea, so i added some vanilla, more corn starch, and then some more rice flour, some food coloring... and then still looks gross... I added some egg re-placer by bobs red mill... it has made my mixture thicker but still not the results i am looking for right now the "frosting" still looks very grainy. So now, I am ganna add some cream cheese, if that doesn't work ill add some shorting...
 the cookie part is done.. they don't look half bad.
Just had a taste test, my son tasted them, he says they taste like biscuits.

frosting is still grainy but at least it no longer looks gross... Im ganna add some more corn starch hopefully it will help smoothin it out.. I also added some cream of tartar for taste. alright, i had my kid taste it, he says it tastes like milk.... -_- not the flavor I was going for but I'll take it. I almost forgot i have sprinkles. ill use some of those..
OMG -_- you will not believe what I just found in the damn bag with the sprinkles...  3 tubes of premade frosting...
well looks like ill be decorating my cookies for a while...
just tryed the pie crust cookie with the frosting i made, tastes like a biscuit with cream cheese... but the cream cheese has flour in it....

just tried the cookie with the tube frosting tastes way better.
now trying it with both frostings and sprinkles...  its good. :) 
finally cookies... now if only I had some milk to drink it down with.. oh well looks like I'll be drinking tea.
good night